Team Clermont Retainer Plans for current clients



If you are a current client of Team Clermont whose active campaign is ending, you may be eligible for one of our 3 Maintenance Retainer Plans.

Please choose the one that is right for you and have a credit card handy.  There are no refunds, but you may cancel at any time.

The Retainer Plan:

(All retainer packages require that your album & music are approved by our Team prior to qualifying for a retainer. No refunds, but cancel at any time.)

1. Silver – Allows you to have your artist name on our active roster & in email signatures once your album has been approved by our Team.
2. Gold – Allows all of the above and gives you the ability to email our Team up to once a month to strategize.
3. Platinum (Preferred) – Allows all of the above AND also gives you the ability to have our Team send press releases to the appropriate list from our nearly 10,000 contacts on your behalf at any time up to 2 per month, including singles & videos.
